News, fiction scraps and random muttering from the author of How We Were Lost, The Dawning and The Lives of Ghosts
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Blog Story Rules
Please continue the story directly from my last blogged piece.
Although less is fine, please don’t write any more than 200 words.
Please don’t end the story (not till the final post, anyway).
Please don’t write anything obscene or offensive - although dark and disturbing is usually fine by me. (As is funny. And heartbreaking. And action-packed. And quiet. And mostly anything you like really.)
Please don’t be personally offended if your piece is not selected, I won’t necessarily be judging on ‘quality’ (whatever that subjective term implies), but choosing the 200 words I’ll feel that I can best respond to – or perhaps that will challenge me (and our story) the most.
Please play.
And keep playing.
It could be fun. (-:
This blog will be running concurrently on
(though you only need to submit on one (-;)
Along with my own piece, I will include the selected post on each blog space . . .
I hope this is making sense. I wonder if our story will?
Friday, 16 May 2008
The Blog Idea
200 words every 2 days for 2 weeks
Can we create a compelling short story together?
To begin 1st June 2008!
I thought I’d like to begin a new short story. An interactive story.
Would you like to play?
The idea is this:
On 1st June 2008, I will post 200 words, the opening to a brand new experimental short story, which I hope that you will continue by providing the next 200 words. After 2 days (3rd June), I’ll read the responses and choose just one to carry on from with my next 200 words. Then it will be your turn again. And so on.
At the end of 2 weeks, we should have written approximately 2, 800 words between us. And who knows where we’ll have ended up.
Perhaps we’ll have a complete, and even compelling, short story.
Perhaps we’ll have something else entirely . . .
However it emerges, I promise to publish the whole, joined together piece on my website
Can't wait to see where this will take me. I hope that you'll come too.